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Fierté Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Schools

Latest News

  • A Week of Magic and Mayhem at Dosthill Primary Academy

    Published 10/07/24
    In a week that can only be described as enchanting, Dosthill Primary Academy is abuzz with the magic of literature and the written word. The Fierté Trust are celebrating the captivating world of books and writing, and we have been transforming
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  • Attendance Update

    Published 11/06/24

    Attendance news below - visit our dedicated attendance page for the latest updates. 

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  • Let's Look at Attendance...

    Published 03/05/24

    We often look at weekly attendance awards, but how does attendance look compared to the national picture, what are we doing well, and what could be done better? Attendance and punctuality are key to a good education and preparation for life beyond school. High attendance is linked to high outcomes. Pupils whose weeks are peppered with days off often have greater gaps in knowledge and skills, even when they 'catch-up' afterwards. 

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  • Attendance and Awards 15-19 April 2024

    Published 19/04/24

    Attendance has been above 96% for 13/16 (81%) of classes at Dosthill this week. 

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  • Our Survey Says...

    Published 17/04/24

    Our Trust recently ran a parents’ survey for all its schools via a company called Edurio. The survey asked standard questions and was completely anonymous.


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  • Dosthill Primary Academy Celebrates World Book Day 2024

    Published 07/03/24

    In a vibrant display of literary love, pupils at Dosthill Primary Academy wholeheartedly embraced World Book Day 2024. The school staff, eager to celebrate the magic of stories that transport us to different worlds, were thrilled by the enthusiastic participation.

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  • Dosthill Pupils Shine in Cross-Town Sporting Events

    Published 05/03/24

    Dosthill pupils have recently made their mark in cross-town sporting events, demonstrating exceptional talent and sportsmanship. Upper Key-Stage 2 pupils participated in inter-school competitions, bringing home impressive results.

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  • Teamwork and Attendance 1st March 2024

    Published 01/03/24

    Well done to all award winners this week - including a special award for school. 

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  • Attendance and Teamwork Winners 23/04/2024

    Published 23/02/24

    A great start to the second half-term.

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  • Parent Surveys Open!

    Published 23/02/24

    You know that parent voice matters here at Dosthill Primary Academy and to the wider Feirté Trust. We'll be sending out a link to this survey later today - it would be brilliant to get a 100% response rate - we do tend to do well with surveys and always act on feedback.

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  • The Dragonfly Story

    Published 22/02/24

    We used this story in assembly with Y4, 5, and 6 pupils on Tuesday 20th February

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  • Attendance and Attitude Awards 19/01/2024

    Published 19/01/24

    We've attendance awards for classes and pupils. We've Star Award winners for classes and current house points to share. 

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